New Issue of Acta Chiropterologica published Vol. 25 (1)

New Issue of Acta Chiropterologica published Vol. 25 (1)

Content: Karyotype Evolution in Vespertilionoidea: Centromere Repositioning and Inversions in Molossidae (Chiroptera, Mammalia)Marianne Volleth, Klaus-Gerhard Heller, Christopher Tidemann, Hoi-Sen Yong, Martin Göpfert, Stefan Müller Cytotaxonomy, chromosomal evolution, bat phylogenetics Karyotype Comparison of Five African Vespertilionini Species with Comments on Phylogenetic

Decisions of the German Federal Administrative Court on the subsequent curtailment of wind turbines and installation of bat boxes in a 1,500m radius of wind turbines

Decisions of the German Federal Administrative Court on the subsequent curtailment of wind turbines and installation of bat boxes in a 1,500m radius of wind turbines

With the decision of the German Federal Administrative Court of 19.12.2023, the operators of wind turbines have to accept subsequent curtailment of wind turbines. The nature conservation authorities are authorised to issue subsequent regulations in order to prevent violations of