Press release of the German Bat Observatory Experts are raising the alarm – species protection is clearly being neglected in the legislative changes to the expansion of wind energy Alarming statistics and urgent requests: the expansion of wind energy threatens
In memory of Bodo Stratmann
* 02.02.1937 in Halle/Saale † 09.12.2023 in Naumburg Bodo Stratmann, a very well-known bat conservationist from Halle/Saale, died in December 2023 after a long illness. He was one of the founder of the Working Group on Bat Protection and Research
Participate in the Leisler’s Bat Project – Where do the Leisler’s spend the winter?
We need your support!What is it about? In our nationwide project “Creation ofof a species action plan for the Leisler’s bat, which was funded by the BfN with funds from the BMUV, we would like to take a closer look
New Issue of Acta Chiropterologica published Vol. 25 (1)
Content: Karyotype Evolution in Vespertilionoidea: Centromere Repositioning and Inversions in Molossidae (Chiroptera, Mammalia)Marianne Volleth, Klaus-Gerhard Heller, Christopher Tidemann, Hoi-Sen Yong, Martin Göpfert, Stefan Müller Cytotaxonomy, chromosomal evolution, bat phylogenetics Karyotype Comparison of Five African Vespertilionini Species with Comments on Phylogenetic
Wind farms in forests: a worrying story from France
With the increase of goals to tackle the climate crisis, the energy industry is logically looking for new areas to install wind farms. Similar to Germany, the energy companies in France are installing more and more wind farms in forests
New download area on the bat observatory page
A new download area has been created on the website of the bat observatory. At the moment you can find video animations and posters that are supposed to help distinguish cryptic bat species of the genera Myotis and Pipistellus .
Conference of the Bat Markers of the Bat Marking Central Dresden (FMZ) from 03. – 05.11.2023 at Mansfeld Castle (Saxony-Anhalt)
The last workshop of bat markers took place in 2016. In the time after that, it was not possible to organize a meeting, among other things due to the Corona pandemic. The event was supported by the AK Fledermäuse Sachsen-Anhalt
BatNet: a deep learning-based tool for automated bat species identification from camera trap images
Automated monitoring technologies can increase the efficiency of ecological data collection and support data-driven conservation. Camera traps coupled with infrared light barriers can be used to monitor temperate-zone bat assemblages at underground hibernacula, where thousands of individuals of multiple species
Arbeitshilfe Fledermäuse und Straßenverkehr: Bestandserfassung – Wirkungsprognose – Vermeidung / Kompensation
Neue Arbeitshilfe zur Fledermäusen und Straßenverkehr eschienen, herausgegeben vom Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr. Im Speziellen geht es um “Bestandserfassung, Wirkungsprognose und Vermeidung / Kompensation”. Das Werk soll dabei helfen, Fledermäuse beim Ausbau des Verkehrsnetzes besser zu schützen bzw. Gefährdungen
International Bat Nights
The International Bat Night (IBN), which is proclaimed by EUROBATS, has been held every year since 1997 on the last full weekend in August in more than 30 countries. On these dates, nature conservation organisations and NGOs from all over