Original studies
Rupp , H., Rackow , W.: The first description of the Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus hipposideros ( Bechstein 1800 ) and the resulting misunderstandings
Bach , L., Bach , P., Donning , A., Göttsche , M., Göttsche , M., Kesel , R., Reimers, H.: Bat migration along the Wadden Sea islands of the southern German Bight
Meyer, F.: Comparative evaluation of acoustic nacelle and nacelle+tower measurements to determine bat-friendly operating algorithms on wind turbines – practical results
Terasa , J.: First results of the search for singing parti-colored bats ( Vespertilio murinus ) in Berlin between 2017 and 2021
Ohlendorf , B., Meierkordt , T.: On the reproductive behavior of male parti-colored bats ( Vespertilio murinus ) in the Brocken area, Harz National Park
Spitzberger , F., Weiss , E., Sackl , P.: First record of the Mediterranean horseshoe bat Rhinolophus euryale ( Bl asius , 1853) in Austria (Chiroptera, Rhinolophidae)
Fritze, M.: Current knowledge and long-term surveillance of white-nose disease in overwintering bats
Vierhaus , H.: A barn owl ( Tyto alba ) captures bats in an important Westphalian winter quarters
Practical reports
Kellerer , K., Wankerl , P., Zahn , A.: felling of an oak tree with over 500 bats hibernating and re-erection of the roost tree
Herzig , L.: 70 years of monitoring overwintering barbabies ( Barbastella barbastellus , Schreber 1774 ) in the Fulda mass roost “Waides Tunnel” from 1949/50 to 2019/20
Bat Portrait #15
Ripperger , S .: Common vampire ( Desmodus rotundus , E. Geoffroy 1810 )
Scripts of the bat study conference from November 19th to 21st, 2021 at Mansfeld Castle (Saxony-Anhalt)
Thiele, K., Wuntke , B.: 1. On the bat fauna of Mongolia
Knörnschild , M .: 2. Social communication in the greater sac-winged bat – of babbling juveniles and singing males
Modica, C., Modica-Alva , C. M.: 3. Bat protection in Peru
Vogeler , A.: 4. Influence of land use and habitat on the flying fox community on Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Fritzsche , A.: 5. Bats and species protection in New Zealand
Gens , A.: 6th development in telemetry – automated telemetry
Koch , M.: 7th challenge of bat migration – new technology for researching bat migration
Gloza -R ausch , F.: 8. Introduction to the night light app of the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam – light pollution and citizen science
Ohlendorf , B., Meierkordt , T.: 9. The sinkhole of Uftungen (South Harz) and its bats
Koch , M.: 10. Bats in the Ahr Valley and the summer of 2021
Modica , C. : 11. Acoustic recording of the Lesser Horseshoe Bat ( Rhinolophus hipposideros ) in the Karst Landscape South Harz Biosphere Reserve 2021
Ohlendorf , B .: 12. Successful measures to ward off predators on bat rock roosts in Saxony-Anhalt
Vogeler , A., Lustig , A. : 13. Bats in Bavaria and the biodiversity projects
Malaske , S., Meisel , F.: 14. On the development of the population of the mouse-eared nursery in the Steina railway viaduct
Gloza-Rausch , F., Knörnschild , M., Fernandez , A., Leupolt , B .: 15. The Kalkberg in Lüneburg – an unknown mass winter quarters for bats
Knörnschild , M.: 16. The “acoustic fingerprint” as a new method for the acoustic identification of hard-to-distinguish species
Breit , A., Levesque , D., Humphries , M., Gagnon , M .: 17. On the phylogeny of bats and their thermoregulatory patterns
Mathgen , X., Busse , P., Scheuerlein , A. & Fritze , M .: 18. Do bats also mate in spring?
Halasy, R .: 19. 12 nights in the Harz Mountains
Kravchenko , KA, Voigt , CC, Lange , S., Courtiol , A., Courrie , SE: 20. Energetic rationale for a hibernating bat’s range shift from the temperate zone in response to climate change
Eigner , M., Schulze , C.: 21. Remarks on the occurrence of the northern bat ( Eptesicus nilssonii ) in the Ore Mountains (Saxony)
Ohlendorf , B., Halasy , R., Meierkordt , T.: 22. It doesn’t get any more extreme than this – the parti-colored bat ( Vespertilio murinus ) on the Brocken
Fritze , M., Scheuerlein , A., Berg , J., Busse , P., Horn , J., Oldenburg , W., Petermann , R., Rackow , W., Röse , N., Sauerbier , W., Wielert , S. & Kerth , G. : 23. Population trends of bats
Fritsch, A., Benicke , H. : 24. Demolition and renovation of prefabricated buildings – case studies of typical bat roosts
Gloza -Rausch , F. : 25. Native bats and SARS-CoV 2 – scientific facts as reflected in the media
Short communications
Weidner , H. : Socialization of common noctule bats ( Nyctalus noctula ) and water bats ( Myotis daubentonii ) in three bat box territories in Thuringia
Meierkordt , T.: Serotine bat ( Eptesicus serotinus ) found with barotrauma, presumably a road traffic victim
Mainer , W. : Vase becomes a deathtrap for common pipistrelle ( Pipistrellus pipistrellus Schreber , 1774)
Blohm, T., Berg , J., Krämer , W., Krüger, J. , Schatz , J .: First record of the Bechstein’s bat Myotis bechsteinii ( K uhL , 1817) in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
Teubner , J., Teubner , J., Frömert , J., Dolch , D. : Remarkable long-distance find of a brown long-eared bat ( Plecotus auritus ) marked in the state of Brandenburg at the Thelersberg tunnel in Saxony
Wuntke , B., Siering , G.: Detection of the thornbuck ( Spondylis buprestoides Linnaeus , 1758) as prey of the noctule bat Nyctalus noctula ( Schreber , 1774)
Weidner , H.: Two further finds of the Bechstein’s bat ( Myotis bechsteinii Kuhl , 1817) with different forearm lengths in a Thuringian reproduction society
Ohlendorf, B. : On the resettlement of the lesser horseshoe bat ( Rhinolophus hipposideros ) in the southern Harz Mountains, Saxony-Anhalt
In memory of Dr. Manfred Kraus
To commemorate Reinhard Wohlgemuth
In memory of Gerhard Maetz
To commemorate Prof. Dr. Vladimir Hanak
In memory of Manfred Weishaar
In memory of Tony Hutson
