Decisions of the German Federal Administrative Court on the subsequent curtailment of wind turbines and installation of bat boxes in a 1,500m radius of wind turbines

Decisions of the German Federal Administrative Court on the subsequent curtailment of wind turbines and installation of bat boxes in a 1,500m radius of wind turbines

With the decision of the German Federal Administrative Court of 19.12.2023, the operators of wind turbines have to accept subsequent curtailment of wind turbines. The nature conservation authorities are authorised to issue subsequent regulations in order to prevent violations of

Arbeitshilfe Fledermäuse und Straßenverkehr: Bestandserfassung – Wirkungsprognose – Vermeidung / Kompensation

Arbeitshilfe Fledermäuse und Straßenverkehr: Bestandserfassung – Wirkungsprognose – Vermeidung / Kompensation

Neue Arbeitshilfe zur Fledermäusen und Straßenverkehr eschienen, herausgegeben vom Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr. Im Speziellen geht es um “Bestandserfassung, Wirkungsprognose und Vermeidung / Kompensation”. Das Werk soll dabei helfen, Fledermäuse beim Ausbau des Verkehrsnetzes besser zu schützen bzw. Gefährdungen

Several associations file a complaint with the European Commission against Germany – the government coalition is pursuing a dismantling of nature and species protection in violation of EU law

Several associations file a complaint with the European Commission against Germany – the government coalition is pursuing a dismantling of nature and species protection in violation of EU law

(Text: NI): The Nature Conservation Initiative e.V. (NI), the Association for Landscape Management, Species Protection and Biodiversity e.V. (VLAB) and the Society for the Rescue of Dolphins e.V. (GRD) are filing a complaint with the EU Commission against the Republic