Coniferous forests contribute to the European economy; however, they have experienced a decline since the late 1990s due to an invasive pest known as the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa. The impacts of this pest are increasingly exacerbated by climate
Decisions of the German Federal Administrative Court on the subsequent curtailment of wind turbines and installation of bat boxes in a 1,500m radius of wind turbines
With the decision of the German Federal Administrative Court of 19.12.2023, the operators of wind turbines have to accept subsequent curtailment of wind turbines. The nature conservation authorities are authorised to issue subsequent regulations in order to prevent violations of
BATLAS – Automatic system for the analysis of bat population trends – Collaboration wanted
As part of the project “Endangered Data of Endangered Species” of the University of Greifswald, which has been funded by the BfN with funds from the BMUV since 2020, the so-called “BATLAS” was developed. BATLAS is a kind of nationwide
Arbeitshilfe Fledermäuse und Straßenverkehr: Bestandserfassung – Wirkungsprognose – Vermeidung / Kompensation
Neue Arbeitshilfe zur Fledermäusen und Straßenverkehr eschienen, herausgegeben vom Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr. Im Speziellen geht es um “Bestandserfassung, Wirkungsprognose und Vermeidung / Kompensation”. Das Werk soll dabei helfen, Fledermäuse beim Ausbau des Verkehrsnetzes besser zu schützen bzw. Gefährdungen
International Bat Nights
The International Bat Night (IBN), which is proclaimed by EUROBATS, has been held every year since 1997 on the last full weekend in August in more than 30 countries. On these dates, nature conservation organisations and NGOs from all over
Several associations file a complaint with the European Commission against Germany – the government coalition is pursuing a dismantling of nature and species protection in violation of EU law
(Text: NI): The Nature Conservation Initiative e.V. (NI), the Association for Landscape Management, Species Protection and Biodiversity e.V. (VLAB) and the Society for the Rescue of Dolphins e.V. (GRD) are filing a complaint with the EU Commission against the Republic
The hearing of bats decreases with age
Hearing loss is a hallmark of aging, typically initially affecting the higher frequencies. In echolocating bats, the ability to discern high frequencies is essential. However, nothing is known about age-related hearing loss in bats, and they are often assumed to
Nyctalus Band 20, Heft 1-2 erschienen
Contents Original studies Rupp , H., Rackow , W.: The first description of the Lesser Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus hipposideros ( Bechstein 1800 ) and the resulting misunderstandings Bach , L., Bach , P., Donning , A., Göttsche , M., Göttsche
How accurate are bat hibernacula counts compared to light barrier data?
Accurate population estimates are crucial to developing successful conservation policy, but the underlying data remain difficult to collect for many taxa. This is especially true for elusive species, such as temperate-zone bats, where visual counts in hibernacula underestimate their population
Light pollution and bat protection – current state of knowledge, need for action and recommendations for practice
The excessive use of artificial light at night, also known as light pollution, is a hot topic in biological research and nature conservation. In Germany, however, there is still a lack of awareness of the importance of the problem and